Ride With Your Mind Clinic


American international dressage rider Heather Blitz serves as the model to illustrate brilliant biomechanics, in walk, trot and canter, as well as the advanced movements. Then lessons with a number of riders at different levels show the changes they make as they take the next steps in their learning, discovering how to produce similar patterns in their bodies, and changing their horses in the process.

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This book looks at a series of common rider faults or problems and, through words, photos, diagrams and practical exercises, it explains how to correct them. Each issue is demonstrated by a different rider – some working at basic level, others more advanced.
Mary gives each rider a lesson taking her through the changes she has to make, and recording her progress through specially taken photographs. Readers can witness the changes taking place and understand through Mary’s gifted teaching HOW to make the necessary shift  to improve their own riding skills. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures show not  only the improvements in the rider’s position and effectiveness but also in their horse’s way of going, for the two are interconnected.
American International Grand Prix dressage rider Heather Blitz, who Mary has coached for the last 14 years, acts as the ‘model’ who demonstrates exemplary biomechanics in walk, trot, and canter, as well as in the advanced movements. The book then asks, ‘What is she actually doing? Is she ‘growing tall’, is she ‘stretching her legs down’? etc.’. It offers some alternative descriptions of her skills – which are then taught in the lessons to the other riders.

Among the topics for in-depth discussion are
Rider position
Faults such as tipping forward, leaning back, hollowing the back, rounding the back, and pulling on the inside rein
How our minds and bodies learn new techniques or change old habits
Rider asymmetry
Mental attitudes
Lateral work
Advanced work.

Additional information

Weight 1.01 kg


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